BCA Information

Why Check If Your Building Complies Building and Construction Authority Standards

Building regulations are put in place by government agencies to ensure that building works comply with standards for safety, accessibility, and environmental sustainability. This ensures that buildings are liveable and can withstand certain unfavourable conditions.

Building Construction Authority

If building regulations were not followed, then the building structures may look safe but may pose the dangers of getting wrecked after a strong gust of wind. If you are planning to buy a home then make sure to verify Building and Construction Authority (BCA) information.

Or if you are a contractor, architect, or developer and constructed a building that wasn’t built according to building codes your prospective buyers and tenants get to know that your building structure doesn’t comply with BCA standards, and would most likely avoid your project.

Further, your neighbouring building owners might also fear your unsafe building codes and come after you with legal action. To avoid such legal complications, make sure your construction projects meet BCA standards.

Why is procuring BCA information important in Singapore?

Ignoring building regulations, makes your building plan an unsafe one. To solve the puzzle and check if your property has got BCA, i-PAP the property aggregator data platform enables you to verify on BCA information and ascertain that your building construction is up to code.

Sign up @ i-pap today and ensure your builder has adhered to construction compliances and standards!

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