Corporate Information Services

Check the worthiness of the company before the formation of any business relationship.

A wrongly registered address / suspicious premise location will raise a red flag while trying to pitch in for any sort of business relationship; which necessitates to do necessary background checks. While to check the worthiness of a company, if you are planning to allocate multiple dedicated resources, spend an awful amount of time, and put in a hard effort to acquire them on a specific corporate will make the whole experience a cumbersome one.

Unfortunately, this arduous task doesn’t end there! After gathering the data, the researchers are supposed to verify and authenticate the collected data. Also, it needs to be updated regularly to ensure that it is fresh and usable at any given time.

Verify corporate information of any company registered in Singapore instantly.

Skip the hassle of collecting, screening, verifying, and updating and switch to i-PAP! You can have instant access to companies in Singapore within a few clicks. Each data record is thoroughly analyzed and verified by a stringent verification process before being recorded in the datasheet.

i-PAP provides the public with access to these business profiles for transparency and communication, business, and research purposes. The UEN search on corporate will help you tell the status whether the company currently exists and operating, or not. Also, this data will help you analyse if the company complies with the annual filing requirements under the Companies Act, or otherwise.

Conduct a thorough background check and protect yourself from fake or dubious companies.

With big data and our proprietary solutions, we efficiently bring data together from multiple sources, doing the hard work, so that you don't have to! i-PAP’s corporate search information helps you easily access information about the company's shareholders, directors and capital structure with just the UEN.

So why wait? Sign up today and leverage these millions of data in one go and have your plans streamlined, with the list of registered companies in Singapore!


Corporate information search helps achieve transparency and prevent unlawful use of information regarding corporate entities.
Maintaining global standards and boosting Singapore’s reputation as a credible financial hub are the goals of corporate information search.
It is important to do corporate information search as it helps business owners perform a background and due diligence check on their potential partners before signing up for any new deal.
i-PAP will help you determine if a company is legal, active, and registered.
Aside from delivering some basic info about a business to the public, few other relevant information on company data including the business profile, shareholders, directors are made available.
The UEN of the company that you are about to search will fetch you with necessary information.
UEN is a Unique Entity Number. This information ensures that the company is not registered on the wrong address or fake location.

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