Legal Requisition

What is Legal Requisition All About?

Legal requisitions on the property are questions raised related to the property that is up for sale. This will include questions not addressed in the contract or clarification on certain areas that are not discoverable upon inspection of the property.

Legal Requisitions Search

These searches can be wide-ranging, from rising queries like the latest planning decision, the approval and expiry date of the latest planning decision, the refusal reasons on the latest decision, or the current Master Plan zoning of the property.

Legal Requisitions search is done by whom and how it is done?

Any member of the public may apply for a legal requisition.In most cases,legal requisitions on property titles relating to property sales are applied by the lawyer of the buyer of a specific property to the seller’s lawyer. In the traditional method, the lawyer on behalf of the prospective property sends a list of queries relating to any questionable points on the property. These orders are sent to the seller's lawyer, who attaches his 'replies'.

Upon going through the replies, further requests are raised if the lawyer is not convinced. This process of drawing up a list of queries relating to any questionable points of the property and sending it to the seller's lawyer and waiting for replies is undoubtedly going to be a time-consuming task. And failing to miss out on any validating checks on its legal aspect could bring down your reputation and can make your property buyer's hard-earned investments go in vain.

IPAP’s legal requisition services

IPAP clarifies lawyers and property investors with legal queries. Input property details and with a simple click, get insight with a 6-month of records from the relevant parties relating to the property.

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