Planning Decisions Information Search Services

Planning Decision Information - All Abouts

You will need planning permission if you are going to build a house. You may need planning permission if you want to build an extension or make other changes to your existing house. You should always check this with your local authority before you start any building. Usually the local authority stops inappropriate building and developments and approves those that are suitable.

Planning Permission Singapore

For example, you will need planning permission to open a crèche on your existing property which you had earlier planned for opening a salon.

What happens if I buy a property that was built without planning approvals or permission?

It is an offense to do work that requires planning permission, without having planning permission. This offense can carry very large fines and possible imprisonment. If unauthorised development is made in case of unapproved plans or without applying for a plan, then your property will have to be demolished.

Depending on your business use and the type of property you have in mind, you may need to check for planning decisions on your prospective property. Use i-pap to find out if your prospective property has carried out development with necessary approvals.

Sign-up using our service form or directly using your Gmail or Facebook account, and entering in ‘project name, street name, block name, postal code’, can help you get the necessary information on a building plan to check on details relating to zoning, overlays, state or local frameworks and confirm if it has followed the guidelines.

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