
How Caveat Search Helps Property Agents

Before helping a buyer sign the papers to buy a property, a property agent involved for the property transaction would perform a title search for you to ensure that there are no pre-existing caveats on the property. This is because such caveats lodged property may block your customers from becoming an owner. And your customer will not likely get the property unless the caveator pulls out the lodged caveat, for some reason or other.

Caveat Singapore

A search of caveat gives details of the legal owner of a property, and discovers any claims made on the property. It retrieves information from the Land Titles Registry, such as ownership, address, type (e.g. residential or commercial), and encumbrances (e.g. a mortgage or charge over the property).

For the property agents evaluating homes in Singapore, using the i-PAP gives you a search function for the discovery of property with caveats lodged or caveat free information. It shows all caveats lodged in last 6 months, so you can get the most up to date information, such as: Description of land, Description of plot/unit/ child lot, Caveator, Registered proprietor, Caveatee, Interest claimed, Grounds of claim, Prohibition clause, Date of caveat, Execution by caveator/ caveator’s solicitor, Certificate of correctness, Case file reference.

Having a caveat lodged on a property shows that the caveator is blocking the property from getting it on the sale. Hence searching for caveats and having information on caveats lodged gives you a clarity to proceed with the next property assessment.

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